
Volunteer Grant Supporter

About the job

Are you somebody who can help us with funding grants?

Helping Leeds Baby Bank with funding grant applications is a great way to offer your time and support the charity in the long term.

As a Volunteer Grant Supporter, you will help change lives and develop valuable skills and friendships along the way! Leeds Baby Bank Grant Supporters will draft case studies, gather information, and volunteer as part of a team to secure funding for the charity.

We’ll be there to get the best out of you and support you at each stage and we’ll ensure you have a great experience and the right supervision.

We’d be very grateful for your help and are happy to be as flexible as possible for reliable volunteers. From the satisfaction of helping families in Leeds, to learning new skills and meeting like-minded colleagues, you’ll get a lot back.

Want to make a difference? We are currently recruiting volunteers.

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Become a Leeds Baby Bank hero and donate.

Donate your pre-loved baby items. Help the environment and families in need! Please see our wishlist to find out what we currently need most, and be sure to check our list of items we accept and items we cannot accept. Or you can send us a cash donation. It's much appreciated.

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